The Dutch contemporary painter, Miek Verdegaal works from her atelier located in a former flower bulb warehouse in the centre of the provincial town Lisse. This place is also known as the centre of the Dutch flower bulb culture. From this warehouse, where the harvested flower bulbs were prepared for distribution all over the world, Miek produces her oil-paintings with as subject - not entirely surprising - the bulbs and their flowers!
new Painting to fight Polio "End Polio Now Tulip"
Oliver Rosenbauer, Edy Bucher (r) and Claartje Zwetsloot daughter of the artist
In collaboration with Oliver Rosenbauer from Rotary Switzerland/Liechtenstein and with the initiative of Edy Bucher, the artist Miek Verdegaal created this oil painting “End Polio Now Tulip”. The realization of this work of art was partly due to her exhibition BULBOMANIA, which took place in Mai 2019 in Morges, Switzerland during the annual Fête de la Tulip. This special cultivated tulip, named as : End Polio Now, change its color completely during its Spring flowering. From red-yellow to red-white. A beautiful almost symbolic transition as what the fight against Polio is going through worldwide.
From this painting a beautiful art card has been made and for each sold card 12 children will be vaccinated.